I often feel that as a human being I'm spoilt by the way I live. Fresh drinking water is readily available, I have plenty of food to eat and I'm given the opportunity to have a great education. Yep, life couldn't be much sweeter.
Oh but it is. I also have the good fortune of being a Christian. And a spoilt one at that.
Cityview has been my first church, frequency was my first real contact with Christians. So after attending cityview and frequency for over a year I've come to expect things are just normal. For instance I'm sitting at a computer in my Pastor's house writing this post. I wonder how many other Christians are on such a personal connection with their pastor.
Every Sunday morning I get up at 6:30am to help setup the church for service. When I hear about other church's that have things setup permantly I start to wonder what they do with themselves. I can say that I'm involved with the running of the church, while it may only be a small part, I'm still involved with it. I'm not just someone who arrives 10mins before service, stays in the audience for the whole service, mingles abit after then leaves. I'm not sure I could ever do that again. I've got a chance to do all that because I happen to be best friends with the Youth leader. How many other people can say that.
Now all this might sound like I'm just going on about how great my life is. Well it is. And I owe it all to God. He has given me such great opportunities in life, I just don't want to ever waste them. I'm so lucky, I pray for those who don't have the same chances I do.
I leave you know with some lyrics from Relient K. This is from their song I So Hate Consequences. From the album MmmHmm.
"I said the words I knew you knew
Oh God, Oh God I needed you
God all this time I needed you, I needed you
And I so hate consequences
And running from you is what my best defense is
I hate these consequences
Because I know that I let you down
Now I don't wanna deal with that"