Thursday, December 30, 2004

And The News Keeps Rolling In

"Father, father, father, father Father into your hands, I commend my spirit Father into your hands why have you forsaken me"

Some people might recognise these words from the movie Passion Of The Christ while others of you might know it from the song "Chop Suey" by System Of A Down. I watched passion today and when i heard those words uttered by Jesus as he hung from the cross it came to me as a surprise. I never really thought that Chop Suey could be directed at God.
This might come as a another surprise to some of you but i figured i should let people know. I've decided to become a Christian. I was nervous at first about what my friends might say but then i realised that if they love me as much as they show then they will be supportive to me.
But enough about my spiritual side, ill now spend the next paragraph or so telling you about my life. After the exciting weekend of christmas and boxing day i felt that i deserved the week off, which is exactly what i have done, aside from tomorrow, i'll be working a couple of hours. On monday i watched The Incredibles with fiona, alyce, paul, diana, justin and ryan. The movie was hilarious and it was good hanging out with my friends. Tuesday i was slack to the max, i spent the time playing underground 2 and sims 2. Wednesday started out the same but in the arvo i went over to fiona's, we played pool and tekkan tag on PS2. I decided to let her win most of it. And today i was at ryan's becoming a Christian and playing heaps of halo2.
Well thats been a brief run-down of everything happening.
Goodnight my friends

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Mr Adorable 2005!

Yes that's right, the contest for Mr Adorable 2005 is now here. Entries have been submitted and all the contestants have been posted.
The link for the site can be found [here]
You will find my name appearing on the site. I have decided to run for Mr Adorable and would like your help to win. Simply go to the site and post my name in the shoutbox. I could do with all the help i can get.
Thanks my friends!

Here is a comic strip from penny-arcade. Posted by Hello

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Ho Ho Ho

Merry Christmas to you all!
Today has been a great day. I woke up at a reasonable time and we all sat around and opened pressies. now im sure ur all dying to hear wut i got, so here goes:
- 6 shirts, a few billabong and quicksilver.
- 3 computer games, the sims 2, underground 2, halflife 2
- a calender
- offspring CD, ignition
- beach towel
- dashmat for my car
- build-your-model ferrari
- porsche 911 GT2 poster
- season 3 of futurama
After we had them all opened i quickly sat on my computer and played underground 2 for abit before we headed to my grandma's for a family lunch. we had alot of fun catching up with family. i got a chance to ride the motorbike that my cousin built himself. its alittle 3.5hp engine with a frame he made. its pretty fun to ride, only gets to 45km though. after a big lunch we sat around and opened a few more pressies, i got a car cleaning kit. we then went home where i sat down at my computer again and have been playing the sims 2. i look forward to spending this week playing my games and maybe doing the model.
well that was my day, ill now post this.
Merry Christmas agin and may you have a happy new year!

This is the coolest present. A giant poster of a porsche GT2. *drool* Posted by Hello

I got a book, calender, chocolate (thanks alyce, they are nice), an offspring CD, pencil case from fiona and an eagle statue from Travis, its really cool. Posted by Hello

I got a build ur own ferrari, futurama DVD's and a silver ring from brendan and lauren. Posted by Hello

I got like 6 shirts today, I asked for a few but i can't complain. They are all cool, can't wait to show them off. Posted by Hello

These are all the presents that i got :-D Posted by Hello

My family that was at my grandma's. Posted by Hello

Here is me riding the bike that my cousin made. Pretty cool, huh? Posted by Hello

Here is my dad trying to ride the bike. Posted by Hello

Portrait shots of me and my sister, these were for my mum. Posted by Hello

Christmas morning and this is what remains of our presents. Posted by Hello

Friday, December 24, 2004

Here is alyce singing. Much better then the one below. Posted by Hello

Some random people asking Diana for a drink. Posted by Hello

This is a Korean girl from the church. I can't remember her name but she is really nice. Posted by Hello

This is our Christmas Tree. Ooooh, look at all those pressies. Posted by Hello

Here is the church's chef. He came up and made a speech, its going to be his last christmas with the church. Posted by Hello

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; Through the still night, sleigh bells chimed, marking the arrival of St Nick. With a gentle thud the sleigh landed on the roof of a house, and Santa smiled with satisfaction at a good landing.
A pungent smell wafted over Santa. He started to cough violently. Comet looked back at the jolly fat man, and gave him a sheepish look.
"I told Peaty not to feed them baked beans", muttered Santa to himself "Damn that wife of mine".
Santa got down from the sleigh and breathed in deeply, he turned around and pulled his bloated bag down and slung it over his shoulder. Spying the chimeny he started to make his way towards it. Due to the darkness he didn't notice the whirly-bird jutting out.
"ARRRRGGHHHHH!!!", Santa hollered as his shin connected painfully with the whirly-bird. He tumbles down the roof and over the gutter, to land unceremoniously on the ground. Painfully he picked himself up and brushed dead grass off his suit. Starting to get frustrated he looks around the bush for a sizable rock. Spotting a perfectly smoothed stone, he picks it up and hurls at a window. Splintered glass is flung everywhere as the rock easily breaks through. In the distance a dog starts to howl.
Something glisters in the moon light, he looks down and notices a house key lying on the ground. Right where the rock sat. Grumbling he walks over to the window and pulls himself through it. A shard of glass cuts his arm. With blood dripping from his arm his slowly walks through the house in search of the tree. Noticing a light coming in from a room he heads towards it. Slowly pushing the door further open he sticks his head in the room.
There's a blonde haired boy sitting at a computer, typing. He stops typing...................... After a lengthy pause he continues. Santa continues to watch the boy type, he seems to be writing a story. Looking very closely, Santa can make out what is being typed. Blood drains from his face when he reads the events of his night on the screen. Fear is soon overtaken by anger as he realises that this boy is responsible for his pain. With a snarl he runs towards the boy and grabs his head and starts to bang it against the keyboard. uihgviybgv ibvyib uvfiqu vhiuv hi vuhvi uhvb huui hbe hup heu hbhu eb uhne bnubne.
quickly the blonde haired boy starts to type again. Santa stops getting violent, the vein on his neck disappears. His wound heals itself and the stiffness in his back goes away. With his sack magically in his hand he heads out the room and starts to place presents around the tree. Smiling at a job well done, Santa quietly leaves the house and climbs back on his sleigh.
"Damn that kid"

The End

Merry Christmas to you all and may you have a happy new year!

mmmmmmmm Posted by Hello

This is alyce singing. It was meant to look like that but i though it was such a cool shot. Posted by Hello

Alyce holding her christmas present from me. She was sooo happy, kept telling me that all night. Everyone else was just as excited as her, they want to watch it as well. Posted by Hello

Here's Alyce posing. She looked really good tonight. Posted by Hello

At intervals in the night we were entertained by people singing and playing instruments. The Bunton family took their turn on stage. Posted by Hello

Here is fiona and i. it didn't turn out like we hoped but i still think that fiona looks gorgeous. Posted by Hello

Diana posed for this shot. she looked amazing, just like all the girls. Posted by Hello

This is allison, ryan and travis. i caught them all by suprise.mwahahaha Posted by Hello

There were several tables decked out like our one. Full of all kinds of lovely things that i can'r eat. Posted by Hello