Friday, December 03, 2004

Jingle Bells

Christmas is fast approaching and the season to be jolly is now upon us. We've started putting up our christmas decorations as you will be able to see below this post. Shopping centres are now becoming packed as people hunt for the perfect present for a loved one. This is just a large reminder to me that i need to start my christmas shopping. For those few whom i buy presents for you should feel special. The problem i face is deciding who gets something. My closest friends will get something certainly but i'm still choosing which of my other friends have been nice enough to deserve it. SO LET THE RECKONING BEGIN!!
I hope that i actually get to see my friends before christmas so i can give them their presents and receive the gifts that im sure i deserve. I'm thinking of having a BBQ at my place sometime soon, maybe between christmas and new years. I'll personally invite people so that way they can't weasel out of it like at shane's party.
Farewell my friends, expect cards soon.

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