Wednesday, December 08, 2004

My Life, The Updated Version

Greetings my friends, i bare news of my life that im sure you will want to know. On saturday night i went to youth group where we played monopoly all night. i had to declare bankruptcy near the end of the game, after scraping together over a thousand dollars on 3 occasions. Brendan was the first to go but we conceded defeat after i went under. over at the other table lauren and alyce where battling it out against each other. screams of rage and victory echoed throughout cannington whenever one of them landed on the others property. after a couple of gruelling hours they called it a draw, to the relief of those watching. everyone pretty much went home after that.
sunday saw me going to church. after that, we spent a few hours playing halo2 on the xbox, im getting pretty good at it, i managed to get my score in the positives and annoy justin endlessly. mwahahahahaha. i also annoyed paul because i killed him the most.
the most exciting thing for my week was the picnic i had with fiona at mundaring wier on monday. the weather was clear and barely anyone there. we got the chance to lie down together and listern to the insects chirp and the sound of water gently lapping against the shore. mmmmmmmmm.... so relaxing. after a few hours of that we headed home again.
that pretty much sums up my life. exciting huh?
ok, i got a couple of links to add, first is for my mate shane. yes, he too has been sucked into this void that is called blogging. i knew he was weak *cleanchs fist in a dramatic pose*
here is the link to his page [Link]
the seond is to a website similar to penny arcade that i mentioned ages ago. its called pvp and is really fun. go check it out when your bored. [Link]

the next piece of my epic should be up tomorrow. so stayed tuned for another exciting adverture of matt's life.

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