Thursday, December 30, 2004

And The News Keeps Rolling In

"Father, father, father, father Father into your hands, I commend my spirit Father into your hands why have you forsaken me"

Some people might recognise these words from the movie Passion Of The Christ while others of you might know it from the song "Chop Suey" by System Of A Down. I watched passion today and when i heard those words uttered by Jesus as he hung from the cross it came to me as a surprise. I never really thought that Chop Suey could be directed at God.
This might come as a another surprise to some of you but i figured i should let people know. I've decided to become a Christian. I was nervous at first about what my friends might say but then i realised that if they love me as much as they show then they will be supportive to me.
But enough about my spiritual side, ill now spend the next paragraph or so telling you about my life. After the exciting weekend of christmas and boxing day i felt that i deserved the week off, which is exactly what i have done, aside from tomorrow, i'll be working a couple of hours. On monday i watched The Incredibles with fiona, alyce, paul, diana, justin and ryan. The movie was hilarious and it was good hanging out with my friends. Tuesday i was slack to the max, i spent the time playing underground 2 and sims 2. Wednesday started out the same but in the arvo i went over to fiona's, we played pool and tekkan tag on PS2. I decided to let her win most of it. And today i was at ryan's becoming a Christian and playing heaps of halo2.
Well thats been a brief run-down of everything happening.
Goodnight my friends

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