Tuesday, December 21, 2004

*Insert Clever Title*

yes people, im starting to run dry. my social and working life is leaving me with very little time to myself. but if it means lying in king's park with fiona then i don't mind. ok, time for a run-down on whats been happening.
sunday night was the carols in the park. it went really well, everyone sang beautifully. we tried to sell cans of soft drink but unfortunately we only got $50. oh, on saturday i was shopping with fiona. we had a lot of fun. we went to an 18th party, left early and watched king arthur. i got home around 1:30am, not bad considering i had to get up for church. after that we all sort of hung around at various places, then went to the forementioned carols. spent the night at ryan's and played halo2 and won a few games, not bad considering the amount of time ryan has spent playing it. on monday i was up and headed home to shower and shave before i picked up fiona and went on a picnic with her. well, not quite a picnic, we ate lunch at her house first, we spent the time in the park talking and lying there together. after that we went swimming at joy's and kim's house before i had to rush her home.
this now brings me to today *ominous silence*. i decided that i should work. so i went into work. not a very eventful day but when is work ever fun. hmmmm, this blog has been a little boring lately. i don't think alyce is ever going to write her piece of my story so i think all interest by others has now stopped. ill try to add some more excitement later on. with youth finished might be a little hard to add pics, ill have to find something to take pics of.
goodbye for now my friends, may u have a merry christmas and a happy new year.

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