Thursday, December 16, 2004

Like Sand Through An Hour Glass, These Are The Days Of My Life

Well, well, well. Looks like your back again to read up on my life, hope your finding it as interesting as i do.
Now, i did a post on sunday night which means you all know about my weekend, which means i need to work out what i've been doing since. The main thing that hopes into mind is BUMMING AROUND!! thats what i did on monday and tuesday. Now wednesday, oh boy, thats an interesting tale. I decided that i need money, so i went into work. Nothing terribly exciting happened there, i just did the same old signing in samples and putting them in correct areas. The exciting part happens after work, so i hope your all still paying attention. I went straight home and got ready for tim's 18th b'day party that night. Fiona arrived at my house and we went to tim's from there. At his house we spent a few hours swimming and messing around in his pool. After his party, fiona and i went back to my place and spent an hour outside talking and looking at the stars. Around 1:30am fiona felt it was time for her to go home so i said goodnight and went straight to bed after that.
Today wasn't quite as exciting, i visited my grandparents because i hadn't seen them for awhile. When i was at their house i logged on to the internet and chatted to alyce and laura for a bit. You will probaly have noticed several messages from shortie in my shoutbox, that would be laura, and i just want to add that some people think i seem quite nice.
Hmmmmm, pretty dull week, hopefully next week will be better. I've got a picnic with fiona on monday, we're going to this little known park called King's Park.
Time to sign off i guess, maybe i'll give laura a call. Night all!

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