Saturday, January 01, 2005

The Year 2005.....

5.......4........3.......2.......1........*awkward silence*......... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Well another year down and life to go. people all around the world would have stayed up late to count down the end of the year.
I spent the last few hours of the year with fiona at a party. After spending the night talking, socialising and watching angry beavers, everyone went outside and counted down the year. After the clock struck midnight fireworks exploded in the sky above the various showgrounds.
As the gunpowder clears from the sky people started to make their way home. Fiona and i left and drove to a park near her house. we played on the spinning thing for awhile before we went back to her place. Seeing as it was 1:15am by that time i decided to go home.
That's been my exciting new year adverture. Make sure you tune in next time for more TALES FROM THE CYRPT.... i mean my life.

Happy New Year!

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