It's the 28th of March, the day after Easter. My drawer is packed with chocolate and lollies and my blood sugar levels are proberly way too high. Anyway, i've just posted the pics up that i took from saturday night. We had a movie night at youth group. The movie of the night was Deep Blue Sea, its about super intelligent sharks that systematically kill everyone at the testing centre, aside from the hero (Diana has a crush on him), and the chef. Wasn't a terribly good movie but i had friends and loved ones with me so it was bearable.
Sunday was Easter, the re-birth of my saviour. We had a great church service, i missed out on hearing it live because i was in children's church with alyce. But i have a copy of it on my computer so i'll listen to it at my leisure. I was expecting some family lunch or something at home so i left the group early, but to my dismay... there was nothing. My parents had gone out shopping and weren't back till 3pm. So i was greatly disappointed.
Today was my sister's birthday, she turned 21. She got clothes, shoes and a bit of jewelry. I got her a Buffy DVD, she loves Buffy. Any hoo, i didn't do an awful lot today, i'm waiting to do some study, but currently the uni site is down so i can't find what i need to study.
The highlight of tomorrow will be Fiona coming over to dinner. We're going to cook together. It's going to be heaps of fun.
Well, i'm going to get some ice cream and chocolate, then maybe do a heavy work out to burn up the sugar.
Good Night my glorious fans...