Friday, February 03, 2006

Greatest Day

Wednesday was a momentous day. Not only was it the start of a new month, but it’s was also the one year anniversary of Fiona and I. Yes, that’s right; we have been dating for over a year: D.

I picked up Fiona from her house, I bought her a rose and some photos for her album. She got me The Terminal, which was the first movie that we had watched together with my arm around her. We went to breakfast then it was off to Garden City where we walked around, wand saw Keeping Mum at the cinemas. It was a funny movie, we both enjoyed it. Anyway, we came back to my house, watched a DVD then packed for our twilight picnic in King’s Park.

When we got to our usual spot, we saw many cars. At this point, we realised that Shakespeare in the Park and the Sunset Cinema’s were running. So after much driving we found a quieter spot and ate our dinner.

It was such a great day. I hope you enjoy some pics I posted while we waited for the movie.

See you all on Saturday night.

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