Thursday, June 22, 2006
Some Info
Anyway, i wanted to get a post out incase you don't hear from my in the next few days. I wouldn't want to get anyone worried now would i?
I found this really cool website that sells shirts, have a look and see if you recongise a few.
Until my next random post, take care now, bye bye then.
Monday, June 19, 2006
The Doggy

When we first got her. Look at the size of the teddy.

10mins ago. Look at teddy now.
Movie Update
The first draft for the script has been completed, its now in the editing phase. How long it will be in this phase I don't know. Depends on the editors. *Glares at editors*
I will keep you, the viewing public, informed on any further progress.
Until then, behave yourselves.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
This is an update for my blog. I know how important it is for people to see regular updates on my website. I'm in the the first week of my exam period. I still have 3 more exams to do before I'm home free.
Last night I watched Cars with Fiona, Alyce, Travis, Kimberly, Justin and Robert. The movie was suprisingly better then I first anticipated. The graphics were captivating and the plot was compelling for a kids movie.
After next friday I won't have anymore uni till the end of July :)
So long my friends, untill another post.
Friday, June 09, 2006
The Silence
The silence is absolute.
The rattling of chains soon comes forth.
Freedom is near.
The struggle continues, but the end is near.
Salvation is coming.
Our time to rise is at hand......
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
The Sweet Sound from Boosted Speakers
It didn't take me long to finish doing, at first i wasn't getting any sound from my back speakers, then i realised that the filter setting on my amp needed to be changed.
So once i got sound, i tuned it abit myself, but it really needs the work of a professional.
My speakers now go much louder and produce more power. Driving to uni today my rear-view mirror was shaking, i couldn't stop looking at it :-D.
Anyway, its back to work i go. It took my an hour to replace all my interior. Once i get around to painting the chipboard my amp is attached to i'll post some pics. :-D
God Bless.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
A Shout Out Of Thanks
But now, all that remains is a short piece of cable connecting my fuse to the battery and i will have sound.
So when i see every one again on sat night, i can show you my amp.
Untill then, peace out and God Bless.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Just a little something
I feel lousy right now, i have a cold.
Anyway, i was going to tell some stories about delivering pizzas but i can't be bothered writing.
So another time.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
- Importance of having a fellowship
- Bible littered with examples.
Psalm 133: 1
“It is good and pleasant when God’s people live together in peace!”
Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12
“Two people are better than one,
because they get more down by working together.
If one falls down,
The other can help him up.
But it is bad for the person who is alone and falls,
Because no one is there to help.
If two lie down together, they will be warm,
But a person alone will not be warm.
An enemy might defeat one person,
But two people together can defend themselves:
A rope that is woven of three strings is hard to break"
- The devil is enemy.
- Defend against with strength of numbers.
- Use rope (Tug-of-war)
Romans 15: 5
“Patience and encouragement come from God. And I pray that God will help you all agree with each other the way Christ Jesus wants”
· Learn to encourage
Ephesians 4: 3
“You are joined together with peace through the Spirit, so make every effort to continue together this way.”
· Keep the peace.
1 Timothy 2: 8
“So, I want men everywhere to pray, lifting up their hands in a holy manner, without anger and arguments.”
· Settle differences and unite for God.
1 Peter 4: 8
“Most importantly, love each other deeply, because love will cause many sins to be forgiven.”
· Love each other as God loves us.
Show them a list of TV shows
Get people to go to people they like the least and tell them “God loves you very much, and I can also love you like a brother/sister”
Just For The Sake Of It
Tonight i bought an amp for my car. I have a lousy deck, lousy speakers so i thought a lousy amp would fit in nicely.
Somer of you might start to wonder what's the point of even writing this post. Well i'm feeling a little down. Im not sure why, i just am. Things just don't seem to be working out right.
So i'll end this on a little note that should appease my meager number of readers.
God is good.