Hello to the few people who check my blog on occasion.
You might have noticed there's a few things different. The first noticable difference is the lack of blogs in my link section. I removed blogs that haven't been updated in the last 6 months and blogs that no longer exsist *looks at micheal and travis*.
The second difference is that i'm now signed up to YouTube. Its a pretty cool website that allows people to host their own videos. The first video clip i took myself (you can expect more video's to come through as i make them) the other two i found from the main website and are just demonstrations of what the Diet Coke & Mentos experiment should have looked like. I have no idea why ours didn't work, they seemed to do everything we did.
Anyway, thats all the changes I've done so far. I think I might make a post about World of Warcraft. I doubt this will interest many, if any of you. But its my blog and it interests me.
I'll do another post tomorrow during my extensive break between classes.
Untill then, bye bye.