Last night was frequency and we went down to the beach for our party. We had lights on and music pumping and plenty of games. The night was really good, everyone had heaps of fun.
Friday night was my big date with fiona. I booked a beautiful Chinese restaurant in the city, after that we went to king's park, pulled out the rug and cuddled under the stars. It was at this time i decided to give fiona her present. I got her a small teddy with her name on a love heart. Around the love heart was a silver friendship ring that i bought her. On the inside i had it engraved with the following message "All my love, now & forever". When it started to get late i took her back home and that then lead onto sat.
I know this post is short but i have uni tomorrow so i don't really feel like writing much. I plan to write little interviews, conducted by the charismatic Rob. Actually, i'll be making up the interviews myself and using some comic character as inspiration. I hope you enjoy them when they're up.
Good night my friends.
The two girls taking a rest for no particular reason. So cute.
Laura and Lauren playing the conjoint game. They're tied at the feet and need to drag themselves towards the cones.
Laura deciding to give up...
She is so gorgeous....
Thought this was kind of cool. Its actually fiona and diana walking along the beach.
Chris dragged this over to us from further up the beach.... thanks
Alyce holding the rotting carcass of the fish.
Ummmm.... who let chris drink?
The group taking a quick stroll to the shore.....
Alyce walking out from the ocean....
This pic doesn't do the sunset justice, it was absolutely amazing.