Thursday, February 24, 2005

Late Notice

As Alyce kindly pointed out to me, its been awhile since i've posted. There are several reasons for this, the main reason is time. No matter how much i try, it just seems to slip through my fingers. At first i thought i would have more free time between classes to make posts but after getting my timetable today i can see that i have none. I have solid work everyday with the exception of 2 hours on wednesday and 1 hour on friday. To make things even worse, according to my timetable, i need to be in 2 separate classes at the same time on a number of occasions, so thats something i'll need explaining to me.
The second reason for my late postings is that there isn't really anything for me to write about. I made a post about the fishing trip the day after but i've only just gotten hold of the photos to put up. So blame for that goes to Alyce and Diana.

I'll like to take the time now to mention a couple of websites to you, my loyal blogger fans.
The first belongs to my good mate
Travis he has just gotten his blog up again.
The second one is Alyce's boyfriend,
Paul, he's a great guy so be nice to him.

, and now back to news of my life. My very good friend laura has recently become a Christian. In fact it was only on saturday night. We're all very proud of her for making the decision. This means that Laura and I will be getting baptised together in Joy's pool.

night, i.e. friday night, i'm taking my gorgeous girlfriend Fiona out to dinner, and after that we're going to a nice little place to spend some time together. I would normally say where we're going but knowing my luck she will be on the net tomorrow and find out where. So no spoilers tonight.

Saturday, the glorious day after the tedious week. I'm going out to lunch with fiona and her family, then after that the youth group is going to have a beach party. Should be good, i'll make sure that my camera is with me so i can at least get some pics put up sooner. Don't want my site to be behind the times like Alyce and Diana's.

my fellow bloggers, i have work in the morning so it's an early night for me. God Bless!

P.S. After re-reading this post i realised that i might have come across a little mean to Alyce and Diana. I apologise, i realise your both busy with school work. So take it easy, and good luck!


Unknown said...

Hi my friend...
I thought maybe you would like to visist my blog one more time... it has many changes since you last time that you visit it.
Thanks, Keep in touch.

Unknown said...

Hi Matthew...
Thanks for the mesage that u left for me, It was very nice. u made me happy by visiting my blog and I hope I'll get more Commentes from u... u know I myself LOVE TO LEARN ENGLISH... that's so much fun,I also know a little Arabic, and I hope I can start learning Franch as soon as it is not late for that, because after that I wanna talk to people from German too, so of course I must learn their language
