Tuesday, May 17, 2005

It's Dark In Here

The wind howled through the night. Rain pored from the dark sky and beat down merciless against houses. Not even the mightiest of trees could stand up against the onslaught of The Storm.
Everyone in Perth would know about the touch of bad weather we had recently. In case anyone wasn't aware of some of the damages caused by it, then I'll spell it out for you.


The electricity is expected to be back up again in a day or two. Roleystone was devastated by the storm. The local primary school was nearly demolished. The high school has no power or water so its been closed. Thousands of fridges full of food will be spoilt by the lack of power. Candles will burn long through the night, offer little comfort to the bored individuals inside. But no need to worry, Western Power will compensate us with $80.


I'm writing this blog in a computer lab at uni, yes thats right. Uni is still up and running while some of the local kids are having an easy time off.

On a different note I want to congratulate Alyce on getting her log book. Well done! You can start driving us all around when you get your license.

I'll post again when I get power back at home, until then stay safe. Oh wait, that reminds me.... I HAVE NO POWER!!!!

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