Thursday, May 11, 2006

Its Called Maturity, duh!

As many of us have often done, I was looking back at some of the earliest posts made by myself and some friends. Reading their first post written and comparing it to the latest one, you can see a huge change. The way they write, the subjects they write about and often the language they use has changed so much.

Alyce and I both used to write using different colours, but now there isn't a colour to be seen. Diana had made her first post 3 months into having a blog and now she posts more about her thoughts, feelings and friends. Travis used to post random pics with an occasional post about some computer jargon, now he has a whole section dedicated to His Walk. This is just a clear sign of how we're changing, how we're maturing.
I guess that's what I'm getting at with this post. Maturity.

I know that 2 years ago I wasn't the person I am now. When I first started going to Frequency I had to make sure I behaved myself and didn't do anything to offend them, but now I can just be myself. Because who I am now has changed, I've become a better person. I could tribute this all to getting older, but I know people older then me who are bad people. So I'm going to place this all on one person, Jesus. If I hadn't met my Lord and saviour then who knows what I could be doing now.

In regards to my friends, the maturity that they now show also came from God. They were Christians when I meet them, but I can say with absolute certainty that they have moved forwards in God. They have earned the honour of being called a Christian, and in 10yrs time I can look back on my blog (if its still here) and think "Wow, I thought they had progressed then, they have really progressed now"

And so I thank my friends for taking this walk with me the past year and a half I've been a Christian. I pray that we will still be together to open our own church together, because we have more then enough God-given talent to do. We just need to wait till we reach the right maturity.

God bless you all, and everyone who reads this.


Rodney Olsen said...

It's been a real delight being able to see some of that maturation process through your blog. I've enjoyed getting to know you a little and I look forward to all the posts to come.

tubes41 said...

dude, our own church... That'll be awesome... I can see it now.

It's amazing what a little bit of time and a touch from God can do in ur life :)
God Bless mate

DrUmMeR ChiCK! said...

Awesome post aye. Its so true about the changes... You know what, a few minutes before I clicked onto your site and read the post, I was thinking exactly that! Of how all our blogs have changed over time... And how WE'VE changed as individuals AND brothers and sisters in Christ.

Seeya soon Matt :-)