I felt i should take some time to tell you the happneings of the last week before i regale you with a christmas tale, and yes, there will be more farting reindeer.
Saturday was Sarah's birthday party (Sarah is
Fiona's sister). It waqs nice, not many people turned up. But its quaility not quantity. Sarah is turning 18 on the 18th.
On saturday night
Frequency was run by
Alyce and
Diana. They did a great job! The games we played were new, and people seemed to have fun playing pass-the-parcel. Larry came as a guest speaker, and spoke a short but powerful message. After youth we went back to Ryan's and played Halo2 till 2am.
At 5:50am on sunday we woke up to help setup church. It was carols that night so we had to prepare more. When evening came we went back to the church for the Carols. It went really well, my family came along and they said they liked it.
Monday i spent the day playing computer games :D. I finished Half-Life 2.
Tuesday i went to the Orthodontist to have my teeth checked. I'll be needing braces :(. Then we bought my dad a new computer. This thing is totally awesome. It kicks my computer so badly.
Anyway, this brings me to now. I got my uni results back, i passed everything with a couple of distinctions aside from one class which i need to do a supplementary exam. Thanks God for helping me.
Give me some time to write the story, but it should be up soon.