Friday, May 06, 2005


If money is the gauge of the heart, then this study revealed that money is on the heart of most Americans. In exchange for ten million dollars:
25 percent would abandon their family.
25 percent would abandon their church.
23 percent would become a prostitute for a week.
16 percent would give up their American citizenship.
16 percent would leave their spouse.
13 would put their children up from adoption.
Even more revealing than what Americans would do for ten million dollars is that most would do something. Two-thirds of those polled would agree to at least one - some to
several - of the options.

Jesus had a word for that: greed.
Jesus also had a definition for greed. He called it the practice of measuring life by possessions.
Greed equates a person's worth with a person's purse.
You got a lot = you are a lot.
You got little = you are little.
The consequence of such a philosophy is predictable. If you are the sum of what you own, then by all means own it all. No price is too high. No payment is too much.
Greed is relative. Greed is not defined by what something costs; it is measured by what it costs you. If anything costs you your faith or your family, the price is too high.

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