Monday, May 02, 2005

This Just In.....

Its another beautiful stormy night tonight and there isn't a star to be seen.
Time moves one as it has a habit of doing and when time moves, things happen, and these things happen because time is moving.
A bit of time has moved since i last posted. When you really think about it, the amount of time that has passed is so minute that the world wouldn't have noticed. The entire length of my life wouldn't even fill a pencil mark on the time line of this planet. But there are many things to happen still that will have monumental impacts on the future of human existence.
That was meant to be a short intro into what i did on the weekend but i seem to have gotten a little carried away. Oh well, i might as well continue with my ramblings of the existence of man kind, who knows, i might get a few comments going.
Ok, God made mankind..... who knows why, we might be here as a means of gaining appreciation. When the weather clears at night, take time to look outside and see the canvas spread before you. The night sky is filled tiny specks of light, these specks of light are massive balls of "fire" that are orbited by planets and what-not. If you could ever be bothered to look in my archives you will see a picture that i found on the net, i will find more and post them after this. What i am referring to is known as the eyes of God. They are nebulars that have been filtered through various means and the end result is truly breath taking. The point i'm making is that through out this universe God has taken time and crafted master pieces of astronomical proportions, mind the pun. So the existence of humans could be to glorify him and to appreciate his work, for ever creator likes his work to be praised. So the next time you see something as your going about your life that takes your breath away, stop and take time to praise God. This can also work for anyone you see that you feel shows the craftmanship of God.

I'll finally get back to my weekend, but i'll make it sure because you were patient enough to read the above post. Saturday i studied during that day, then at night Frequency was meant to go bowling but there weren't enough people so we saw XXX2. The action was good, but that was as far as it went.
Sunday was church in the morning, i left early and took Diana and Alyce to their concert for the school, there will be pics soon. Paul came along as well. After that i made a quick visit to see Fiona, then i rejoined the youth at Ryan's. We messed around with the new Digital Video Camera, then i went back to Fiona's, and we went to Southern River Christian Church, there was some good worship there. After that we watched the Incredibles at Fiona's. When the movie finished i came home.

Rival night this saturday for Frequency. So come one and all, especially anyone from Frantic who would like to see what we get up to.

Goodnight my friends...

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