Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Braying and Neighing of Barnyard Animals

Here's just a quick post that i decided to put up. I wanted to put a link to this website called penny arcade, its a website that contains game reviews, a regular comic strip and some other cool stuff. some of the strips in it are really funny, but unless your into computers you won't get them. The link to the site is
Now i thought i would give a quick run-down on whats been happening, i had my second exam this morning, it was for mechanics, some of the stuff was hard but the rest was easy to do. Hopefully i passed it. After i did the exams i went to carosel with some of my close uni friends, we hung out for awhile then we all went our seperate ways. Thats pretty much everything, ill add another post on monday night, after i have finished my last exam. But for now, i bid you a fond fairwell.

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