Monday, January 03, 2005

Picnic In Perth

Today was another big day for me.
After i dropped shane and elliot off at the train station i made my way to fiona's where we packed some food and headed out to the church picnic on the south-perth foreshore.
The weather was hot but nice in the shade. We played a few games of volleyball. The asians won against the westerners, the men beat the woman, quite badly i might add, then the youth won over the elders.
We cooked our BBQ lunch and enjoyed sitting around talking to people. Most of the youth then went for a walk to a near-by playground. A few people got inside this spinning thing and alyce hopped on top of it. As you might guess she was soon flung off it and onto the sand. The people inside started to feel sick as they spent several minutes spinning around very quickly.
We packed everything up in the afternoon and all headed home. I dropped fiona home and found out i was badly burnt so i stayed at her house for a bit with a wet towel over my face.
As soon as i got home i hopped on the computer and started to download the pics from the past two days onto my computer and organised them. This takes me to now, where my face still hurts. Hopefully i'll brown abit.

Goodnight my fellow humans and pleasant dreams.

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