Monday, January 03, 2005

Put Your Hands In The Air!


Well, sunday was the day of my party. I invited a select few friends and most of them turned up which was really good. I had to pick up shane and elliot from the station but that was ok as people took their sweet time showing up. Laura turned up as i was getting back home so that was lucky. I set up my stereo outside and we listerned to music while we waited. Sarah and her bf daniel arrived. We then sat back down and started to talk. The sound of a car locking at the front found me running out to meet fiona and alyce. Time passed by as we sat outside listening to music, chatting and cooking food.
After we ate we all went for a walk, which wasn't particularly exciting. As it was starting to get late everyone started to make their way home. Shane and elliot stayed the night as both are too lazy to get their licenses. Us three watched the DVD of Hellsing that i got shane for christmas, then we crashed for the night. I had to wake up at a reasonable time and get ready for the picnic in south-perth that you would have already read about.

That was my sunday night, hope you liked it.

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