Sunday, January 16, 2005

And On A Lighter Note.......

Today was pretty busy for me. I woke up at the usual time and headed out to church. I was greeted by smoke when i left the house, i was surronded by it all the way down the hill.
Church was its usual churchy self, we had a guest speaker come and preach to us, he told us some good messages, such a shame that i can't really remember them.
Lunch was at McDonalds, i had to wait ages to get my burger so that was annoying. We all went back to Ryan's room where we watched Major Payne, its such a funny movie, if you haven't seen it then go watch it.
When we stepped outside to leave, we could see smoke rising up from the hills, so i thought that it might be a good idea to go home, just incase anything was wrong. So i said goodbye to Fiona and the others and left.
As i got closer to the smoke i realised that it was no where near my house, so with a certain amount of relief i slowed down and stopped praying for my family.
So now i'm back home, sitting on the computer, the exact same thing that i did last night..... i really need something to do.
Goodnight my friends.

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