I'm home...... back from my final exam. Well i've been home for the last hour.
My last exam was for machine dynamics, and by the grace of God i found it easy. I was thinking about boring you with how i managed to solve the angular velocity of a crankshaft, given the radius of the said gear and its rpm. Instead i thought i would tell you a few stories. Or atleast a couple of things i know.
The first one involves the bathroom. Sometimes when i'm driving home from somewhere i have the need to go to the toilet. The closer i get home the more i need to go, but i find i can hold it in easily and without discomfort. That is until i reach the front door. For some reason, as soon as i'm about to put the keys into the lock i'm suddenly hit by the need to relieve myself. I don't know if the bladder can sense its at the door, but its at that point that it starts to lose the fight. So how many other people are hit by this same predicament when they are almost at the toilet?
The next thing i want to tell you is a true story, and doesn't involve the toilet. I got a call from Ryan about 20mins ago, he just rang up to see how i was going to have a bit of a chin wag. Anyway, he told me about the eventful day that AK had on monday at work. AK was working at Myer when a man nearby collapsed. AK being the closest First Aid member, rushed over to the fallen man and managed to resuscitate him. After the man was back on his feet, he went over to AK to thank him. AK said that through the whole time he was praying to God to save this man. The man said he didn't really know much about God, so AK asked him if he wanted to know. So AK spoke to the man about God and eventually saved him, again. This would have to be one of the best things i've heard. This man gave his heart to the Lord that day, a decision he will never regret. Ryan pointed out to me that Satan will hate this act and he will try to make things go very bad for AK. So i just wanted to ask anyone who reads this to pray for AK and the man that was just saved. Ask God to protect them this week from evil, because who knows what great things this man might do with his life, or the even greater things AK might do.
So thats all i got right now, don't forget that i'm still sick. I think i might go play some computer games now :-D