Sunday, October 02, 2005

The 4-1-1

Today is my birthday, Yay me!
I have had such a great weekend. I think i will start with saturday morning.
I went out to meet Tim and Brendan at Bentley. We had arranged a few weeks ago to spend the day gaming. Yes thats right, i spent about 6 hours on saturday playing computer games with two of my best friends. It was awesome!!
After we had finished playing i went to Fiona's house. She was taking me out to dinner. At first she had blindfolded me, but she let me take it off as i already knew where we were going. We arrived in front of the Elephant Hut just before 7pm. We sat down at a table and ordered our curry. Fiona doesn't really like curry that much, so it just shows how much she loves me. She ended up ordering a dish spicier then mine so we swapped them after she dropped me a few subitle hints.
After we had eaten we decided to see a movie. We went and saw Duece Bigalo, European Gigalo. It was funny, there was alot of dirty scenes but overall it was enjoyable. The cinema themselves weren't that great, the arm rests didn't even lift up :(
Anyhow, after the movie we took alittle drive to a pretty, little park. We spent quite some time walking around and talking. Before we knew it, we had 3 mintues to get Fiona home before midnight. So we rushed back and she was only 10 mins late.
I woke up on sunday morning, and my parents came in with a cup of tea and sung happy birthday. I got a MP3 player for my car, its a Kenwood, really cool. I got Napolean Dynamite on DVD, the new switchfoot CD, floor mats for my car and a book from my sister. From my friends i got another book, a steering wheel cover, a stuffed dog for my car, $50, and Krammer said i could have a set of old speakers.
Well, thats most of the exciting stuff that happened, my grandparents gave me a $40 voucher for city surf, so guess where i'm going on thursday night.
So, i'll post some pics if i can get hello to ever work.
Untill then, Stay Classey San Diego.

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